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Workshop Tools

Riverton Menzshed

160 Palmerston Street, Riverton (behind Fleck's Hall)

The purpose of Menzshed is to provide a place for men (mainly retired) to meet and enjoy the company of others in the community as well as having access to workshop facilities that enable them to share their knowledge, experience and skills as well as learn new skills. Menzshed members undertake projects on their own behalf but also accept projects from people in the wider community. However, the main focus is on companionship and meeting new people through shared experiences and of course morning or afternoon tea at ‘the shed’.


Riverton Menzshed operates on Wednesdays between 1 and 4 and Saturdays between 9 and 1. As Menzshed is run by volunteers , anyone wishing to make contact or join the club, should ring the Chairperson or the Secretary to ensure a Menzshed member is available at the shed at the time they plan to visit.


Chairperson: Alan Oakley - 027 234 8624

Secretary: Ngaire Bartley - 0273322231



Set up under the ‘umbrella’ of Menzshed, a small group of enthusiastic women meet weekly on a Thursday 1 – 4 p.m. to restore and or create projects with the generous encouragement and supervision of two Menzshed members who give their time to support this women’s initiative.

While fulfilling woodworking dreams is important, Women’s Workshop is also a time for connecting with likeminded women, making new friendships and enjoying company over afternoon tea.


Membership of both Menzshed and Women’s Workshop is just $20 per year.

Women's Workshop

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