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Riverton Repair Café

Repair Cafés are free pop-up events, run quarterly in Riverton, where local people bring in their broken or damaged belongings and local volunteer experts do their best to repair them. The aim of Repair Café Aotearoa New Zealand (RCANZ) is to foster a culture of repair in New Zealand. Here is the New Zealand Repair Cafe website:
If you have a skill that translates to being able to repair things and would like to volunteer at these events, please contact Carolyne on
Next Repair Cafe is at Riverton Harvest Festival
The repair cafe will be operating at the Riverton Heritage Harvest Festival on the 23rd and 24th March 2024. There will be a stall manned from 11- 2 both days.
Saturday is; mending clothes & other sewing and basic jewellery repair.
Sunday is; electronics, bikes, garden tools sharpening, small appliances.
Please bring any items that you would like to have repaired.

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